Social Media
How to use Twitter
Twitter is a great social networking tool that your church can use to post healings, inspirational ideas, or anything that comes to mind. Click here for instructions.
- Check out full Twitter Video at
- Create a Twitter account for you or your church at
Posting Guidelines for the JMC Twitter Account
Twitter feeds on our sites:
We have 2 twitter feeds, one on which is our public site and the other on which is our community wiki site. The feed on As The Sowing homepage streams all tweets that go through our twitter account.
The feed on Christian Science Georgia streams only starred tweets. We only star tweets that we want to publicly display on our public site homepage.
Each of the branch churches that support the joint media committee are asked to post content on the twitter feed. These churches are on a monthly posting schedule and their JMC representative will be notified by email when it is their month to post.
1) Each church should post at least one tweet in their assigned month.
2) Posts should not be quotes from the Bible or the Science and Health.
3) Posts can be announcements about upcoming events such as lectures, hymn sings, church events, spiritual summits, etc . . .
4) Posts can link to media content available on,, or any Mother Church affiliated website.
5) If your link to another site is too long you can use Google URL Shortener to shorten the url
5) The web admin retain the right to delete any posts at anytime.
If you have any question about these guidelines you can email the web admin Tommy Clayton at